+ Whats the difference between the City and Homeowners Association?
The City is a public governmental agency that provides us with the Sheriffs, Fire Department, Building Department and traffic control. They provide us with Municipal Codes and Regulations that govern our city. The City of Hidden Hills has a mayor and city Council. They meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month. The City Hall is located at 6165 Spring Valley Road. The Homeowners Association is a private non-profit organization that collects an annual assessment from the homeowners to provide trails, roads, recreational facilities and all maintenance of the above. The Association has a Board of Directors, an Architectural Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee, Theater Committee, Gate Operations Committee, and a Trails Committee. All committees are staffed by volunteers. The Association office is located at 24549 Long Valley Road.
+ Do I call the Sheriffs Department or L.A.P.D.?
Hidden Hills is located in the County of Los Angeles and under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department at (818)878-1808. In any emergency you should call 911.
+ I would like a new name sign and/or mailbox, where do I order this?
A name sign and/or mailbox may be ordered through the Administration office. A name sign costs $150.00 and the mailbox is $35.00, both fees include installation.
To download a name sign form, please click here. Please email your completed form to stefany@hiddenhills.org.
You may use any font you desire. Once we receive the proof from the sign company, we will email it to you for approval so please include your email address on the form. By returning the form via email with your okay and signature, we will order the sign. Your new sign takes about three weeks once we receive your final approval.
+ Who do I call for my utilities?
Water - Las Virgenes Municipal Water District - 251-2100
Electricity - Southern California Edison - (800) 684-8123
Gas - Southern California Gas Co. - (800) 427-2000
Telephone - SBC - 811-2511
Cable - Spectrum - (855)- 626-0316
Waste - Waste Management - 782-2474
+ What public schools are in the area?
Round Meadow Elementary, A.E. Wright Middle School and Calabasas High School.
+ How do I get a transponder for my car?
You can come to the Association office during business hours (9:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). If you can't make it during these hours, you may call the office to make an appointment to have the roving patrol guard come to your home and issue your transponder after hours.
+ Is there a speed limit in Hidden Hills?
Yes, all posted speed limits are enforced within the City of Hidden Hills.
+ Are the stop signs legal traffic signs?
Yes! Including the ones at each entrance gate.
+ How do I add someone to my gate list?
There are forms at all 3 gates or you may pick one up at the Administration Office. Lists are restricted to 15 names per residence. You may also download the form by clicking here and faxing your changes to 888-6113.
+ Where can my guests park?
Your guests may park only in the parkway, not in the street, and not between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6:00 am.
+ Im planning on having a party, how do I get my guests admitted through the gate?
Because street parking in Hidden Hills is limited and because of damage to property resulting from unsupervised parties necessitating intervention by the Sheriff, special rules have been enacted in order to deal with parties. Residents planning a party must provide each guard gate with a guest list at least 24 hours in advance of the party. This not only helps the gate company adequately staff the gate houses, but it also expedites the guests' entry into the community. You should know that if you don't provide a list and 3 guests show up to visit your home within a short period of time, it is automatically assumed that a party is in progress and no additional guests will be admitted until a party list is provided.
The CC&R's, Architectural Standards, Bylaws and Rules specify that YOU MAY NOT MODIFY THE EXTERIOR OF YOUR HOME OR ANY PART OF YOUR PROPERTY WITHOUT THE EXPRESS, PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE. If you are thinking about doing anything to your home or property, you should contact the Architectural Consultant to see if approval is required and if so, what to do.
Plans for improvements/modifications must first go the Architectural Committee for review at least 10 working days prior to a meeting. The Committee meets on the first and third Monday of every month at 7:30 pm at the Community Center. If there are any corrections needed, you will be notified of these before the meeting so that any necessary changes can be made and resubmitted. You may contact Ron Heston, the Architectural Consultant, at 227-6657 on Mondays from 3 - 5 p.m, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8 - 12 p.m.
+ Who do I notify if a tree falls into the parkway?
Call the Administration Office at 227-6657 or, if it is after hours, call any one of our gates and they will contact the maintenance department. For any type of maintenance issues ie: down tree in road, trail flooding, damaged mailboxes/name signs...... please call the Association office.
+ If there is a tree branch entangled in the overhead wires, who do I call?
Call the utility company.
+ Does the maintenance guy live in Hidden Hills?
No, he does not.
+ Can anyone use the riding arenas?
Yes, all residents may use the arenas, but everyone must abide by the arena rules.
+ What can the trails be used for?
The trails may be used for horses and pedestrians only!
+ I want to clean the back of my property, may we use the trail for access?
The trails may only be used for horses or pedestrians, unless temporary permission is granted by the Equestrian Services Committee or a permanent License Agreement is granted by the Board of Directors. Driving or riding a bicycle on the trails without express permission from the Association is a violation of the Rules and Regulations, as well as the City's Municipal Code.
+ What do I do if I see a loose horse?
Call any one of the gates. They have a list of Horsemen to call.
+ What if I see a mountain lion?
Call Animal Care and Control at 991-0071. They will contact Fish and Game.
+ Who do I call if I find a dead animal in the street?
Call Animal Care and Control at 991-0071.
+ What is the big field at the end of Long Valley Road and how do I get access?
The property at the end of Long Valley Road is the Ahmanson Ranch property. It is dedicated open space owned by the State of California. The park is open to the public from the main entrance on Las Virgenes Road. For a key to the gate at the end of Long Valley Road, contact the Hidden Hills Horsemen.
+ Are there any businesses in Hidden Hills?
Hidden Hills is a residential community and businesses are not allowed by the City Municipal Code, except in the restricted commercial zone outside the front gate. However, the Association's Rules & Regulations permit limited business use of a home site under certain conditions. Please see the Rules & Regulations for details.
The Parks & Recreation Committee or the office.
+ Do the gate guards provide security?
No. Hidden Hills is not a secure facility. The gates provide access control, but where theres a will, theres a way. You can help "secure" your home by always locking your doors and using your alarm. If you feel the need, hire your own security company. Keeping your admit list current will also help. In any event, when in doubt, call the Sheriff!
+ How do I protect my animals from coyotes?
By keeping them inside or supervising them while they are outside, and by not leaving food outside. The City of Hidden Hills has a brochure entitled "Coping with the Urban Coyote" if you'd like more information. Please keep in mind that if you desire to install fencing to help keep coyotes out of your yard, you must get Architectural Committee approval first