The Architectural Committee of Hidden Hills Community Association was established to guide the residents of Hidden Hills in preserving the unique character of the community, thereby increasing the enjoyment and improving the property values of all.

The authority and power of the committee is set forth in detail in the Declarations of Protective Restrictions. A consolidated set of architectural standards covering restrictions, procedures, and fees is available to all property owners by contacting the Office.

When planning to build, alter, or install (including but not limited to the following) a dwelling, garage, stable, swimming pool, tennis court, fence, service yard, mailbox, name sign, accessory building, or any structure on any property within Hidden Hills jurisdiction, three sets of plans should be submitted to the Committee for approval. The plans should clearly specify the dimensions, materials, color scheme, side yard and front yard set backs, and location on and contours of the lot. If approved, two sets will be returned to the owner, one set will be retained by the Committee. Plans shall be professionally drawn and submitted ten days prior to the Committee meeting. The meetings will be held on the first and third Mondays of each month. We encourage you to come in with your earliest sketches for preliminary informal discussion.

Bear in mind that the City Building and Safety Inspector will not issue a building permit unless the plans submitted show Architectural approval, stamped and signed by two committee members. So, valuable time can be saved by clearing your plans with the Committee first.

The standards should be regarded as a guide with which to follow the intentions of the original planners of Hidden Hills In creating a residential area of open feeling and country atmosphere with distant views, deep set backs and wide side yards. The Architectural Committee seeks to help you build and maintain an attractive community that is a source of pride and pleasure to all who value highly the hills and horizons.